The lifesaver that is Kangaroo Mother Care

Mama Mtoto* is a resident of the Mukuru kwa Reuben informal settlement who was admitted at the Ruben Health Centre’s Maternity Unit for delivery on 18 April 2021. However, Catherine delivered a baby who weighed below 2.5Kgs, prompting her referral to the unit’s Kangaroo Mother Care section.

Mama Mtoto* provides Kangaroo Mother Care to her child on 19 April 2021 from the Maternity Unit. Photo: Stephen Tengo

Mama Mtoto* provides Kangaroo Mother Care to her child on 19 April 2021 from the Maternity Unit. Photo: Stephen Tengo

The Kangaroo Mother Care faction of the unit facilitates an early and prolonged continuous skin to skin contact between a baby and their mother’s chest for pre-terms and low birth weight below 2500g or 2.5Kgs. The Mother’s warmth, breast milk, stimulation, love and protection are basic needs of an infant which are administered through Kangaroo Mother Care.

The different forms of Kangaroo Mother Care include intermittent care where the infant is nursed in an incubator and continuous care which is provided day and night to the infant. Babies below 2.5Kgs are susceptible to infections such as neonatal sepsis and hypothermia which translates to the loss of body temperature. Thus, Kangaroo Mother Care is meant to continue until the newborn attains the required 2.5Kgs and above.

“A mother admitted to Kangaroo Mother Care receives specialized care whereby she is educated on safeguarding her health alongside her child’s by practicing hygiene, breastfeeding and monitoring the baby’s sleeping patterns,” shared Violet Kemunto, a Nurse from the Maternity Unit.

Kangaroo Mother Care benefits the mother and baby in great ways. These include providing warmth to the baby, promoting exclusive breastfeeding, improving weight gain and growth, reducing hospital stay, reducing infections, promoting mother and parents’ bonding and it is cheaper.

“Kangaroo Mother Care has really been helpful because my baby was below 2.5Kgs but is now improving from the guidance I have received to support him,” Mama Mtoto* confirmed.

Since January 2021, a total of 17 babies have successfully undergone Kangaroo Mother Care, including two sets of twins. The Ruben Centre continues to play an active role in supporting parents from Mukuru through providing maternal care which empowers the Mukuru Community.

Written by Miriam Chumba, Violet Kemunto & Stephen Tengo ; Edited by Agripina Wiyala, Nurse Mid-Wife.
Reviewed by Zipporah Mwangi, Head, Ruben Health Centre.

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